Monday, 4 March 2013

RIP Paris (the cat)

It's been a little while since I last posted on this blog, and that's partly because last week my beloved cat, Paris, died. He was the softest, silliest, gentlest cat I have ever known, and if you ever felt ill, or sad, he would always come and sit on your knee and make you feel better, which just makes it even more rubbish that he isn't here now. Like I said last time, death is mostly just really sad when you come across it in real life.

That's a picture of him sitting on my knee while I'm wearing my super-cool I Heart Elmo pyjamas. Little insight there into my night-wear, you lucky people.
Well, it's about half an hour into my birthday right now, and just over a week since this lovely, silly thing passed away in the most peaceful way I can imagine and frankly, I've probably had a beer or two more than is sensible to write this, but I know Paris was loved when he was alive, and he is loved now and whatever has happened to him after he has died he will be happy, maybe in some kind of cat heaven, playing with his sister, Mishka... and I know at some point we'll have another cat who we'll love, but Paris will always be in our hearts, just like all the cats we've had before. So I dedicate this to Paris, Mishka, Ash, Dylan and Lottie, and to the non-cat pets, Gandalf, Gingershine, Nicholas, Peter, Flash and Gordon, and the unnamed goldfish, and to all the pets of anyone reading this, because they bring that extra bit of love and happiness into our lives.
Now I'm going to go and cheer myself up and enjoy my birthday and I promise the next thing I post will just be really silly.

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