When a colleague at work informed me of the existence of this book I was excited.
When they ordered a copy in for me I was thrilled.
When the book arrived and I looked through it, I thought to myself, "Is this the greatest book ever written?"
This book is The Very Hungry Zombie, by Michael Teitelbaum, illustrated by Jon Apple.
So, is it the greatest book ever written? Well, probably not. That's more likely to be something like War and Peace, but it is the greatest parody I've ever read. It takes the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar, including the pages with holes in of the stuff the caterpillar has eaten, and turns it into a menu of brains and body parts. What's really brilliant about it are the illustrations. Apple has done an amazing job of making it appear to have been drawn by Eric Carle. Even the pile of "gooey, chewy brains" is in the same colour pallet as the original children's book.
So, beautiful readers, go, buy, enjoy. I still haven't worked out how to display my rating system of skulls, but anyway, it gets nine skulls out of ten, the final skull being taken away because, frankly, at £11.99 for quite a small hardback it's a bit bloody expensive (bloody, tee hee).
Looks fab, I want one!