Here's what's good about U.F.O.:
- It has Sean Pertwee in it playing a religious nutter who has realised the truth about the aliens and is trying to communicate this to others by shouting bible passages in a confusing manner. Pertwee does crazy so well.
- It has Jean-Claude Van Damme in. What happens to his character in the end was the most entertaining moment of the whole film.
- It has Julian Glover in for about two minutes. He gets to be old and wise.
- It represents the efforts of a group of people getting together and trying to do something creative.
Here are some of the problems (other than the plot):
- The presence of Van Damme is so incongruous and badly written it gives a surreal tint to the film that it really doesn't need.
- The attempt to show how humanity would crumble in the face of an alien invasion is badly handled and just ends up being unpleasant, especially at the end.
- THERE AREN'T ANY UFO'S IN IT. Sorry for exploding into capitals there, but it's a pet peeve. There are no unidentified flying objects in this film, there are just a shit load of instantly recognised alien spaceships. Interestingly, the poster on IMDB has the title as Alien Uprising; they should've gone with that.
- There's not enough Pertwee.
All is forgiven.